Fish Market Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design

The new modern Mogadishu Fish Market Project was conceived under the Coastal Communities Against Piracy (CCAP) Project, which aims to limit any resurgence of Somali-based piracy through the improvement of livelihoods and increased economic opportunities for young people in coastal communities.
The objective of this project was to conduct an institutional, technical, and economic feasibility study for a new modern fish market in Mogadishu, and to deliver a preliminary design option for the envisaged facility. The results of this study provided FAO Somalia, and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) of the Federal Government of Somalia with the required information to source funds to proceed with the selected development.
A central objective of the new, modern market was to introduce and maintain standards of hygiene in landed fish.
Preliminary architectural designs and an associated economic feasibility study were completed for the new market. In addition, recommendations were made over institutional requirements for the effective and efficient governance and management of the new market. Finally, a draft terms of reference for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and detailed designs for the Lido New Modern Fish Market, were provided.