Formulation of CAPFISH programme’s support to Cambodia Fishing Communities’ Livelihoods

MEP have been contracted to assist with the formulation of CAPFISH’s programme to support the Tonle Sap and coastal fishing communities, to improve their resilience towards climate change and reduce the social and economic gap with the rest of the Cambodian population. This will also support the EU Delegation in Cambodia in the formulation of the CAPFISH programme, on sustainable management of Cambodia capture fisheries and development of its fishing communities, taking into consideration the crosscutting objectives of the EC: environment and climate change, rights based approach, persons with disability, indigenous peoples and gender equality.

To achieve and gain better understanding on these issues, an appraisal will be conducted to assess the situation of the fishing villages/ communities around the Tonle Sap Lake and the Coastal region.

The objectives of the study are to improve the resilience of Tonle Sap and coastal fishing communities towards the effects of climate change and efforts to reduce the overall fishing effort, and to reduce the social and economic gap with the rest of the Cambodian population.  The appraisal will also demonstrate how the action will contribute to crosscutting issues and the gender equality and the empowerment of women.

The study will provide a clearer picture and baseline of the situation of Tonle Sap and coastal fishing communities before the start of the CAPFISH project intervention in the near future.