Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

Macalister Elliott and Partners Ltd. (MEP) have been contracted by the World Bank, with the support of PROBLUE funding, to carry out a fisheries and aquaculture value chain analysis for the Gaza Strip and West Bank and to prepare a strategy for value chain development, and an aquaculture scale up action plan. The scope of the overarching project is much larger as it also includes strategy development for management of plastic waste.
For both the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, data limitations, institutional and regulatory weaknesses, poor infrastructure, and political barriers pose key constraints to the sustainable development of a Gaza Strip seafood industry, including trade and access to international markets. Documenting these challenges, profiling the industry baseline, and providing practicable options for improvements where possible form part of a development strategy, which seeks stakeholder input and support and co-ordination of activities to help facilitate its implementation.