Transparency of Inland and Marine Fisheries

WWF, in partnership with SADC, contracted MEP to undertake a study to establish a baseline on the levels of transparency, applying the Fisheries Transparency Initiative Standard (FiTI) surrounding the governance and licensing of fishing vessels to identify transparency gaps and to help establish best practice guidelines for inland and marine fisheries management data.
The geographical scope for this study includes thirteen (13) African countries: Mozambique, Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros, Madagascar, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries consider the inland (lake) fisheries of the SADC region, including fisheries on five (5) major lakes including Lake Victoria; Lake Tanganika, Lake Malawi, Lake Kariba and Cahora Bassa. The study also includes the marine industrial fisheries in the territorial seas and Exclusive Economic Zones of the southern and eastern African countries included in the 2013 and 2016 Transparency Gap Analysis studies completed by MEP for WWF USA.