Carbon Reporting in the Aquaculture Sector

Carbon Reporting in the Aquaculture SectorCarbon Reporting in the Aquaculture Sector

On behalf of Tesco supermarkets, MEP were contracted by WWF to complete an assessment on the methods used to quantify carbon emissions across the UK’s aquaculture supply chain. The project sought to analyse and compare the various assessment methods available for these purposes and to form recommendations on which methodology is best suited to the task. Our in-house team conducted a literature review which identified three main approaches to carbon accounting, including those of the Greenhouse Gas Protcol (GHGP), ISO 14067 and PAS2050. Of these three standards; we identified the GHGP to be the most comprehensive method currently used by the industry, with clear guidance for each of the emissions ‘scopes’.

Please click link to the poster produced by Tesco and WWF using MEP’s recommendations for Carbon Reporting in the Aquaculture Sector:

TESCO and WWF Carbon Reporting in the Aquaculture Sector Poster